
City Bar Statement Expressing Concern over Uganda’s Arrest and Conviction of Human Rights Lawyer Eron Kiiza

January 2025

The Vance Center signed on to a statement by the New York City Bar Association expressing concern about the Ugandan government’s detention and the summary conviction by a military court martial of human rights lawyer Eron Kiiza.

In a new statement, the New York City Bar Association expressed serious concern about the Ugandan government’s arrest and conviction earlier this month of Eron Kiiza, a lawyer representing a political opposition leader, as well as Uganda’s continued use of military tribunals for civilians. The “arrest, summary trial, and nine-month prison sentence imposed on Eron Kiiza by a military tribunal raise serious concerns about the infringement of legal professionals’ rights and broader implications for the rule of law in Uganda,” the statement says. 

On January 7, 2025, Ugandan military officials denied Kiiza entry to the court to represent his client at the General Court Martial in Kampala, Uganda’s capital. Kiiza was at the military court for a hearing in the case of his client, political opposition activist Dr. Kizza Besigye. Instead of allowing him to see his client, the military officials instead forcibly removed Kiiza from the court, detained him in an undisclosed location, then returned him to the court later that day, where he was summarily convicted of contempt of court without formal charges or a fair hearing and sentenced to nine months imprisonment.

In the statement, the City Bar points to multiple national laws and international frameworks that Ugandan officials’ treatment of Kiiza has violated. It also raises concerns about Uganda’s practice of trying civilians in military courts, which contravenes international human rights standards and Uganda’s own constitutional provision

“The Ugandan government’s unjust treatment of [Kiiza] appears punitive in nature and contravenes national laws as well as Uganda’s obligations under regional and international legal framework,” the statement says.

The statement calls on Ugandan authorities to immediately release Eron Kiiza and ensure his safety and well-being. It also calls for Uganda to align with national and international legal standards and cease the practice of trying civilians in military courts, uphold the rule of law and protect legal professionals, investigate alleged violations of the rights of Kiiza’s client Dr. Besigye, and uphold international and constitutional obligations to respect, protect, and promote the rights of all citizens, including legal professionals and human rights defenders.

“Legal practitioners play a unique and vital role in society; in recognition of this unique function, they are accorded special protection under international law. These rights, and the independence of the judiciary, are cornerstones of a just society and must be defended. The New York City Bar Association stands in solidarity with Ugandan lawyers and human rights defenders advocating for justice and the rule of law,” the statement concludes.

The City Bar’s African Affairs Committee, International Human Rights Committee, Council on International Affairs, and Task Force on the Independence of Lawyers and Judges also signed on to the statement.

Read the full statement here:

Statement Expressing Concern Over Uganda’s Arrest and Conviction of Human Rights Lawyer Eron Kiiza