Evaluación Anticorrupción en Latinoamérica 2023-2024

Latin America Anti-Corruption Assessment 2023-2024




The  Latin American Anti-Corruption Assessment 2023-2024 is the third edition of a regional study that maps legal efforts to prevent and combat corruption in 18 countries.

The 2023-2024 edition highlights how the expansion of autocratic regimes and policies in Latin America has contributed to institutional setbacks and diminished the effectiveness of anti-corruption efforts in the region.

Unlike other studies that focus on measuring corruption or the perception of corruption, this study uses legal practice as a basis to analyze relevant legislation, authorities and implementation of efforts to prevent, punish and combat corruption across the region. This document captures the views of anti-corruption practitioners in various sectors, including law firms, companies, academia, civil society organizations, and human rights defenders, among others.

Using information obtained from members of the Vance Center’s Lawyers Council for Civil and Economic Rights, participating law firms and the legal community in each country, the assessment calculates a final rating for each country on a scale of zero (lowest) to ten (highest).

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Press Materials

Link with press materials: press releases, infographics, executive summary and full report in English, Spanish and Portuguese...


Press Materials

  • Press release
  • Infographics
  • Executive Summary
  • Report


Additional information

Press Materials

Link with press materials: press releases, infographics, executive summary and full report in English, Spanish and Portuguese...


Press Materials

  • Press release
  • Infographics
  • Executive Summary
  • Report