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Press Release

New York City Bar Association Welcomes Guatemalan Journalist José Rubén Zamora’s Release to House Arrest, Repeats Call for Guatemala to Uphold International Law

The Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, a City Bar program, is representing Zamora in petitions before regional and international bodies.

October 21, 2024 Read More

Press Release

El Colegio de Abogados de Nueva York celebra la puesta en libertad bajo arresto domiciliario del periodista guatemalteco José Rubén Zamora y reitera su llamamiento a Guatemala para que respete el Derecho Internacional

El Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, un programa del Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Nueva York, representa a Zamora en peticiones ante organismos regionales e internacionales....

October 21, 2024 Read More

Press Release

Vance Center for International Justice Adds Six New Committee Members from Top Law Firms

October 16, 2024 – The Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice this week announced it has added six new members to its Committee, representing six law firms. They are:  Geoffrey Chepig...

October 16, 2024 Read More

City Bar Statement, Press Release

City Bar Statement Expressing Concern About the New Legislation to Regulate Non-Profit Organizations in Paraguay

The Vance Center signed on to a statement by the New York City Bar Association expressing concern over the passage of a law that would jeopardize the fundamental rights of human rights organizati...

October 14, 2024 Read More

Press Release

New Report on Guatemalan Public Prosecutor’s Office Calls for Actions to Prevent Abuse of Power, Ensure Accountability

The report highlights the lack of an independent and impartial mechanism for holding the Attorney General accountable for misconduct and issues recommendations to the State of Guatemala for refor...

October 8, 2024 Read More

Institutional Integrity, Press Release

Nuevo informe sobre el Ministerio Público de Guatemala pide acciones para prevenir el abuso de poder y garantizar la rendición de cuentas

El informe destaca la falta de un mecanismo independiente e imparcial para responsabilizar a la oficina del Fiscal General por mala conducta y emite recomendaciones al Estado de Guatemala para su...

October 8, 2024 Read More

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