

Past Events

October 4, 2017

International Pro Bono Excellence

The Vance Center held its second annual Celebration of International Pro Bono Excellence attended by more than 60 participants at the New York City Bar Association. Read More

October 5, 2017

The Kenyan Presidential Election Petition: A Talk by Pheroze Nowrojee

Senior Counsel Pheroze Nowrojee served as Petitioner’s Counsel in this landmark case and will share his perspective on its impact. Read More

March 1, 2018

African Legal Fellows Panel at Shearman & Sterling

The fellows will discuss pro bono and broader legal practice in their home countries and share their perspectives on emerging issues in their practice areas. (Nigeria, Kenya & South Africa) Read More

March 30, 2018

International Pro Bono Excellence

The Vance Center held its second annual Celebration of International Pro Bono Excellence attended by more than 60 participants at the New York City Bar Association. Read More

April 24, 2018

Business and Human Rights: What Do They Mean for Lawyers?

Years ago, the words business and human rights were rarely found on the same page, let alone in the same sentence. Today, major companies treat their involvement in human rights harm as a strateg... Read More

October 23, 2018

Celebration of International Pro Bono Excellence

The Vance Center Committee and staff invite you to celebrate the international pro bono achievements of some of our partner law firms. Read More

December 6, 2018

The Challenge of Elections at Home and Abroad: Making Democracy Great (Again)

Rokey Suleman, currently executive director of elections for Richland County in South Carolina, has worked overseas on elections in places including Egypt, Russia, Afghanistan, Montenegro, Macedo... Read More

May 13, 2019

International Environmental Law Year in Review

The International Environmental Law Committee is pleased to host, with the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, the second annual International Environmental Law Year in Review panel ... Read More

September 24, 2020

Protecting the Independence of Guatemala’s Judiciary

Guatemala’s independent and impartial judges have faced an increase in threats to their professional integrity and personal safety since the closing of the International Commission against Imp... Read More

September 25, 2020

Evento Virtual “Independencia Judicial y la Participación de las Mujeres en la Judicatura: una Mirada Internacional”

El Vance Center for International Justice del Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Nueva York, la Asociación Internacional de Mujeres Juezas (IAWJ), el Centro Mexicano Pro Bono, y Abogadas MX inv... Read More

October 23, 2020

Sesiones de seguimiento “Independencia Judicial y la Participación de las Mujeres en la Judicatura: una Mirada Internacional”

Registro  En seguimiento al evento virtual del 25 de septiembre y la publicación “Independencia Judicial y la Participación de las Mujeres en la Judicatura: una Mirada Internacional̶... Read More

December 7, 2020

Justice in the time of COVID-19: Challenges to the Judiciary in Latin America & the Caribbean

The declaration of states of emergency and adoption of emergency measures across Latin American and the Caribbean in response to the COVID-19 pandemic immediately affected and continue to affect ... Read More

December 7, 2020

Justicia en los tiempos de COVID-19: Desafíos del Poder Judicial en América Latina y el Caribe

La declaración de estados de emergencia y la adopción de medidas de emergencia en América Latina y el Caribe en respuesta a la pandemia del COVID-19 afectó de inmediato y continúa afectando ... Read More

March 2, 2021

Futuro del Estado de derecho en Guatemala: visión desde el sector privado nacional e internacional

Futuro del Estado de derecho en Guatemala: visión desde el sector privado nacional e internacional Martes, 2 de marzo de 2021. 17 horas de Guatemala Zoom. Registro:  Age... Read More

July 27, 2021

Webinar “Evaluación Anticorrupción en Latinoamérica: movilización de la profesión jurídica”

See in English Martes, 27 de julio de 2021. 18 horas EDT Habrá traducción simultanea español – inglés Registro aquí En mayo pasado el Lawyers Council del Vance Center for International... Read More

July 27, 2021

Webinar “Latin America Anticorruption Assessment: mobilizing the legal profession”.

Ver en español Tuesday, July 27. 18 hrs EDT. Simultaneous translation Spanish- English will be provided Zoom. Register here Last May the Lawyers Council published the Anti-Corruption Assessment ... Read More

October 26, 2021

Serie de webinars: ¿Qué necesitamos para un mejor proceso de designación en la Suprema Corte?

26, 27 y 28 de octubre. 18 horas de la Ciudad de México Zoom. Registro Agenda (sujeta a cambios) Martes, 26 de octubre. La mirada internacional Modera: Laurence Pantin, Coordinadora del Programa... Read More

March 16, 2022

Latin America Anti-Corruption Assessment launching

Virtual attendance: Register here In-person attendance in NYC: send an email to to confirm your attendance   March 16, 18 hrs. New York City Bar Association Simulta... Read More

March 16, 2022

Lanzamiento de la Evaluación Anticorrupción para Latinoamérica 2021-2022

Asistencia virtual: Registro para asistencia virtual (via Zoom) Asistencia en persona en Nueva York: Envíe un email a para confirmar sus asistencia. 16 de marzo, 18 hrs... Read More

February 3, 2023

Seminario virtual “La criminalización de personas operadoras de justicia en Guatemala – estrategia para asegurar la impunidad”

El Cyrus R. Vance Center para la Justicia Internacional del Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Nueva York (Vance Center) y el Consorcio Internacional de Asistencia Legal (ILAC) te invitan al Sem... Read More

February 22, 2023

Panel discussion and Q&A: “Ukraine – Responses to Atrocity Crimes”

As the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine approaches, it is clear that the war and atrocities in Ukraine have galvanized the world and the legal profession. Please join the Vance Center... Read More

March 29, 2023

Webinar: ¿Qué medidas pueden adoptar los gobiernos para prevenir crímenes financieros utilizando criptoactivos?

Prevención de lavado de dinero: ¿Qué medidas pueden adoptar los gobiernos para prevenir crímenes financieros utilizando criptoactivos? Global Financial Integrity y el Vance Center presentan u... Read More

April 18, 2023

Keep Families Together 2023 Awards Ceremony

On April 18, 2023, the Vance Center will hold its third annual awards ceremony in Guatemala City honoring law firms from across Latin America and around the world for their valuable contributions... Read More

May 23, 2023

Panel discussion: “Russian Government Assets and the War in Ukraine – Seize or Freeze?”

As Russia continues its unprovoked war in Ukraine, discussions about funding the reparation and reconstruction of Ukraine increasingly center around the use of Russian governmental assets. In tho... Read More

June 5, 2023

Upholding the Rule of Law through Pro Bono Work: Experiences from Latin America and Africa

The Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice and the Pro Bono Network of the Americas invite you to an in-person discussion to explore common challenges to the rule of law in both regions ... Read More

August 11, 2023

Presentación del Diagnóstico sobre la Independencia del Sistema Judicial en el Uruguay (Evento en español)

El viernes, 11 de agosto de 2023, la Federación Latinoamericana de Magistrados (FLAM), el Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice y la Asociación de Magistrados del Uruguay presentarán... Read More

August 28, 2023

Presentación del Diagnóstico sobre la Independencia del Sistema Judicial en Argentina (Evento en español)

El lunes, 28 de agosto de 2023, la Federación Latinoamericana de Magistrados (FLAM), el Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, la Asociación de Magistrados y Funcionarios de la Justic... Read More

September 19, 2023

Strengthening Access to Justice: Bridging the Gap between Lawyers and Community Practitioners

The Vance Center and the African Center of Excellence for Access to Justice are hosting a convening of legal professionals, community justice practitioners, and thought leaders from across the gl... Read More

September 28, 2023

Presentación del Diagnóstico sobre la Independencia del Sistema Judicial en Colombia (Evento en español)

El jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2023, la Federación Latinoamericana de Magistrados (FLAM), el Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice, la Corporación de Jueces y Magistrados de Colombia ... Read More

October 3, 2023

Webinar: Construyendo un camino hacia ALA/CFT en activos virtuales en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Construyendo un camino hacia ALA/CFT en activos virtuales en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: Análisis de retos y oportunidades del estándar GAFI para la región Global Financial Integrity y el Vanc... Read More

October 11, 2023

The Lawyer as Rule-of-Law Activist: Activating the Next Generation

Find more information about the event and register here. Read More

March 15, 2024

A Conversation with Santiago Palomo, Head of the Guatemalan Anti-Corruption Commission

  Join us for an informal conversation with Santiago Palomo, Guatemala’s newly appointed anti-corruption commissioner. Friday, March 15, 2024 8:45 a.m. New York City Bar Association Re... Read More

May 15, 2024

Judicial Independence, the Rule of Law & Administration of the Judiciary: A Conversation between the Mexican and New York Judiciary

This distinguished panel of jurists will provide a comparative overview of the administration of the New York judiciary and the federal judiciary in Mexico. Panelists will discuss the issue of bu... Read More

May 29, 2024

Keep Families Together 2024 Awards Ceremony

On May 29, 2024, the Vance Center will hold its fourth annual awards ceremony honoring law firms from across Latin America and around the world for their valuable contributions to the Keep Famili... Read More

June 12, 2024

Reunión híbrida: El ecosistema de activos virtuales en El Salvador

En esta reunión se presenta el informe del Vance Center y Global Financial Integrity, “El ecosistema de activos virtuales en El Salvador: Fortalecimiento de la integridad y la transparenci... Read More