August, 2023

Universal Jurisdiction in Latin America. Executive Summary and Analysis

The Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice of the New York City Bar, through the Lawyers Council for Civil and Economic Rights, presents a comparative analysis of the legal provisions th... Read More

October, 2023

The Virtual Assets Ecosystem in El Salvador: Strengthening Financial Integrity and Transparency

On September 7, 2021, El Salvador became the first country in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. Two years later, the country has undergone technological change and growth, faced operati... Read More

December, 2020

Justice in the time of COVID-19. Challenges to the Judiciary in Latin America & the Caribbean

The Vance Center, together with the International Legal Assistance Consortium, published the report “Justice in the times of COVID-19, Challenges to the Judiciary in Latin America & the C... Read More

October, 2023

El ecosistema de activos virtuales en El Salvador: Fortalecimiento de la integridad y la transparencia financiera

El 7 de septiembre de 2021 El Salvador se convirtió en el primer país del mundo en adoptar el Bitcoin como moneda de curso legal. Dos años después, el país ha experimentado cambios y crecimi... Read More