(WIP Dominican Republic at their event “Keys to Potential Personal Branding from the Perspective of a Woman Professional” | Photo Credit: Elizabeth Mena)
The Vance Center’s Women in the Profession program maintained an active pace at the national level and continues to pursue regional initiatives, as well. Its mission is promoting the advancement of women in the Latin American legal profession through 19 chapters in 18 countries.
In Ecuador, the chapter held a well-attended event entitled: “Women Lawyers 2020- Where are we and where do we see ourselves”. The president of the National Court of Justice Dr. Paulina Aguirre gave opening remarks, followed by the panel “Law Firms – Opportunities and learnings”. Jessahe Navarrete, who works on Proyecto Ecuador 2030, seeking to commit businesses to sustainable development, moderated the panel, which included Javier Robalino, partner at Ferrere and Carmen Simone, partner at Pérez Bustamante & Ponce. Another panel was entitled “Women Lawyers in the Business World”.
In the Dominican Republic, the chapter held an event for women lawyers, entitled “Keys to Potential Personal Branding from the Perspective of a Woman Professional”. Lara Guerrero, a highly regarded communications professional led an interactive session to help participants build their brand as female attorneys and also share best practices. The event had extensive coverage in the social media of sponsors and participants.
The WIP chapter in Peru officially held its first event outside of the capital of Lima in Trujillo (La Libertad Region), another important city. Entitled “Opening Paths”, the event sought to introduce women lawyers in Trujillo to the work of WIP Peru regarding the professional development of women lawyers. Marlene Molero, CEO and Founder of Genderlab, a diversity and inclusion consulting firm, gave opening remarks, focusing on the current legal market in Peru and what can enhance visibility for women lawyers in the region. A panel of prominent women lawyers in the region then talked about the glass ceiling and gender equality in the legal market. The event concluded with the presentation of the newly-established Committee of Women Lawyers in Trujillo, which will be called “WIP Trujillo”.

(WIP Peru members in Trujillo | Photo Credit: Ivonne Ramos)
For more information about the Women in the Profession program please reach Karina Benzaquen at kbenzaquen@nycbar.org