
2024 Brings New Program Structure for the Vance Center

March 2024

Our programs are adapting to respond to growing needs and keep pace with the shifting landscape of international justice and human rights issues.

The Vance Center is pleased to announce that 2024 has brought exciting changes to our programmatic structure. As the world changes and global developments create new opportunities – and risks – for pro bono work, international human rights and access to justice, we are evolving to keep pace with those changes. Our capacity to respond to the needs and requests of our clients and partners is fundamental to our mission: we go where we’re needed.

To reflect the nature of our current work, the Vance Center has shifted several elements of our programmatic structure. As of 2024, the Good Governance program will be split into two distinct programmatic Areas of Practice:

The Vance Center has for years worked closely on issues related to transparency, anti-corruption, access to information, and other related areas. These newly defined programs capture the current reality and scope of our work and create space to continue exploring exciting new opportunities and avenues for collaboration.