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Environment, News

Vance Center Co-Hosts Workshops on the Escazú Agreement

The Vance Center Environment Program co-hosted workshops over two days with the Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network – WECAN International for the benefit of WECAN’s network of women and ...

May 31, 2022 Read More

Human Rights

Vance Center Supports Indigenous Women and Maternal Health in Peru

The Human Rights and Access to Justice Program recently submitted an amicus brief before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, challenging Peru’s failure to comply with its obligations...

May 31, 2022 Read More

Access to Justice Practicum

Vance Center Trains on Public Interest Law

Along with partners Fundación Barra Mexicana, and Centro Mexicano Pro Bono, the Vance Center conducted a one-week training as part of the Access to Justice Practicum  to strengthen the skills ...

May 31, 2022 Read More

Latin America Policy

Vance Center Joins Statement on Guatemala and Continues Support to Judges in Central America

The Vance Center joined a recent New York City Bar Statement Condemning the Continuing Harassment and Criminalization of Justice Operators in Guatemala. The statement expresses grave concern for ...

May 31, 2022 Read More

Women in the Profession

The Vance Center Supports South African Women Lawyers of Color

In partnership with the US Embassy in South Africa, the Vance Center and its South African Legal Fellows Alumni Network organized a training and cocktail event for program mentees and other legal...

May 31, 2022 Read More

Pro Bono Promotion

Vance Center Organizes Pro Bono Events in Brazil

The Vance Center and clearinghouse members of the Pro Bono Network of the Americas jointly organized pro bono events  in São Paulo, Brazil.

May 31, 2022 Read More

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