
Archive for 2020

February, 2020

Vance Center Helps in Resilient Islands Initiative

The Vance Center is supporting The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in its partnership with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to advance climate adaptation i... Read More

February, 2020

Video Presents Vance Center Workshop for Guatemalan Judges

(Training in Guatemala | Photo Credit: Burson Marsteller Guatemala) The Vance Center in October 2019 organized a workshop on international financial transactions and compliance for 50 Guatemalan... Read More

January, 2020

Africa Program Update

The Vance Center is focusing on the Gambia in an upcoming training of judges and in pro bono representation projects, seeking to support national institutions guiding the country through transiti... Read More

January, 2020

Vance Center-Latin Lawyer Annual Pro Bono Survey Receives Record Response

Latin Lawyer has published the 2019 annual survey of pro bono practice in Latin America, which it conducts with the Vance Center.  More than 160 law firms throughout the region responded to the ... Read More

January, 2020

Vance Center Human Rights Program Reflects on 2019 Achievements and 2020 Plans

In a year of many challenges for human rights and the rule of law around the world, the Vance Center partnered with clients from Latin America, Africa, and Asia to promote the rights of vulnerabl... Read More

January, 2020

Vance Center Client Settles London Litigation

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, a leading investigative journalism organization holding the corrupt accountable worldwide, successfully repulsed a defamation lawsuit by an A... Read More