

Pro Bono Promotion

Vance Center Engages with the Pro Bono Network of the Americas

The Vance Center and the Pro Bono Network of the Americas launched a series of virtual conversations with respective executive directors of the Network’s member and affiliate pro bono clearingh...

June 29, 2020 Read More

Lawyers For Reporters, Other

Lawyers For Reporters Gains New Staff Member

The Vance Center’s special initiative, Lawyers for Reporters, a collaboration with the Press Freedom Defense Fund to provide pro bono legal support to local journalism in the United States, has...

June 29, 2020 Read More

African Legal Fellows, News

New York City Bar President Greets African Legal Fellows

The Vance Center African Legal Fellows had a virtual meeting with Sheila Boston, the newly-inaugurated president of the New York City Bar Association and its executive director, Bret Parker. Also...

June 29, 2020 Read More

Environment, News

Vance Center Co-Sponsors International Environmental Law Committee Event

The Vance Center’s Environment Program has worked with the International Environmental Law Committee of the New York City Bar Association to organize an upcoming panel discussion reviewing inte...

May 29, 2020 Read More


Vance Center Pursues Diversity Initiative for the Latin American Legal Profession

The Vance Center and its partner TalentoTotal launched the TotalLAW Prep Program, a collaborative effort engaging law firms, bar associations, law schools, and pro bono clearinghouses to increase...

May 29, 2020 Read More

Human Rights

Vance Center and ILAC study Covid-19’s impact on the judiciary in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Vance Center and the International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC) have begun a study on how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the judiciary in Latin America and the Caribbean.

May 29, 2020 Read More

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